Wednesday, May 25, 2011

To The Lovely Hồ Hoàng Yến

Dear Hồ Hoàng Yến,

We're here at think that you are a beautiful woman so we don't understand why you don't stand up straight. Slouching just isn't sexy. Also, you should inform the producers at Asia that you have a good voice already so there is no need to distract the audience by having you wear incredibly low-cut, see-through dresses in your performances. It is time they stopped asking you to wear a dress so flimsy that it seemed to hold together by the power of a prayer and dresses so low-cut that they were an exhaled breath and half a piece of double-sided tape away from a wardrobe malfunction. You have the whole package (face, body & voice) so Asia's executives need to understand that in your case less is more.

We wish you a long and successful career and we hope that your Bão Tình album was well-received.


The staff (of one!) @

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